Thursday 4 September 2008

After Construction and Before Moving in - What to Do When New Premises Beckon

It's always an exciting time if you have reached that stage where your existing business premises are too small and you need to expand. Careful consideration and forward planning is required if the move is to go smoothly; what's more it's not like moving home as your business will still be 'open' to some extent while the move takes place.
The worst part of any moving process is all the packing materials and other items of rubbish that end up coming with you. It's obvious that you need to get rid of all those before your business can really get up and running in your new premises, so it's worth thinking about how you will cope with that before you move in.
This applies regardless of whether or not your new premises is rented, or has been designed and built especially for you. The moving process is still the same and that means you need to think about coping with the aftermath of that process as well as moving day itself.
The best way to do this is to hire a professional office building cleaning company to do the hardest bit for you. Although your business will be disrupted to some extent during the moving process you will want to be back on your feet, speaking to clients and working towards serving their needs as soon after moving in as possible. If you have to get rid of all your own rubbish or ask a couple of employees to do it for you, then you won't be working at full speed.
An office cleaning service can also get the building ready for you in other ways. Regardless of whether the building work has just been finished or another company has just vacated the offices you are moving into, the chances are reasonably high that the premises aren't going to be looking their best. By hiring a cleaning team to come in and clean them thoroughly from top to bottom you will have the perfect new space to move into. And once all your rubbish has been cleared as well, you will feel ready to start a new phase in your business life.
Many businesses move premises on a Friday as it gives them two clear days before the next business week starts. This is a big advantage for any business but it is especially advantageous for the larger ones, as they can hire a cleaning crew to come in over the weekend, get rid of all the rubbish and clean the whole building if necessary while the employees are enjoying a well earned weekend off.
Some office moves are bigger and more complex than others, but it's clear that whatever the size they could all do with a helping hand before the next stage of their business life begins. Up until this point you may just have thought of a cleaning company as a crew that comes in to do daily chores, but in fact it goes a lot further than that, so bear it in mind the next time you have an office move coming up.